Toy With Memories!
Oliver’s Toy Chest is the Hamilton Toy Store that believe there is a toy for every occasion.
Hey, Wanna Play?
With Funko Pops, G.I. Joes, Star Wars, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Figures & Collectibles, NECA, McFarlane, Loose Figures, Carded Figures, Wrestling Figures & Collectibles and much more! The Toy Chest is also full of Gaming Systems, Video Games, Horror Collectibles, VHS, and other retro goodness.
Oliver’s Toy Chest was started in memory of the owner’s son, who passed away in October 2021. He is the driving force behind it all and his parents have poured our hearts into this. Oliver would be so excited and proud to see the how is parents are keeping his memory going by sharing the joy of toys with everyone.
“From raising money for childhood cancer, raising awareness and telling Oliver’s story, to donating to the community, and just all around bringing families together. Making a memory for people or unlocking a childhood memory you’ve forgotten.We have met some of the most exceptional people and some we now consider friends. It’s all been a labor of love and we will forever be thankful for the support that everyone has shown us.
This place has brought light on our darkest days.”