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Articles, Hunting Nostalgia

Hunting for Nostalgia at the Too Groovy Toy Show

On the Hunt at the Too Groovy Toy Show!

Toy shows are so much fun! Sure, it’s the toys that make it fun! But it’s the people there that make it a day you will never forget! This episode of Hunting Nostalgia has host Nick Bartley back in his element. 

His element happens to be digging through bins, talking to the vendors and toy hunters, and randomly breaking out into song! WHY?

Watch Hunting Nostalgia Season 3 Episode 5

Elvira Taylor of course gives us a Lil’ Miss Magic Hair “Moment of Nostalgia” that is SUPER fun and very nostalgic!

This episode is FILLED with friends of the show… Nick and his pal Dustin exchange gifts like it’s Christmas morning!

He also ran into the owners of D and E Collectibles where you can see the pure excitement on Matt’s face talking about Toypalooza! Another amazing Pittsburgh toy show you will see on a future episode of Hunting Nostalgia. COMING REAL SOON!!!

Shortly after this episode hit YouTube,
Hunting Nostalgia hit 500 subscribers!!!

Congratulations to HUNTING NOSTALGIA for getting to 500 subscribers on YouTube today!!! Thanks to all you nostalgic people that clicked the SUBSCRIBE button.

The guys over at Hunting Nostalgia have promised to put together a GIVEAWAY and ALL YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS will be eligible. They promise “this giveaway will be EPIC!”

Be sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel to be a part of the action, you most likely do not want to miss it.

Follow Hunting Nostalgia on Instagram, FaceBook, and Twitter. Be sure to Subscribe to the YouTube Channel and you can also find episodes airing regularly on Armstrong Television’s Neighborhood Channel.

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Written By: Jerry T. (jer1081 on Instagram)

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